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twee+ reader

twee+ reader in the Android Market

twee+ reader is an Android application for reading twee+ texts. It is available for free in the Android market.

About twee+

twee+ was an application to bypass the 140 character limit on Twitter. It has been developed by Lea Verou and was available as a web application at

For more information see the original blog post on twee+.

The twee+ website has been taken offline, but existing links can still be decoded using the twee+ reader application.

How to use twee+ reader

After installing twee+ reader from the Android market, everything is already prepared. From now on, whenever you try to open a twee+ link on your Android device, twee+ reader will parse the link and decode the text instead. The whole decoding process is done on your device so no network traffic is created.

The application will also try to find any Twitter mentions or hashtags, or even plain URLs, and offer you a simple way to open these links. That way you will have no disadvantage from reading twee+ texts natively on your Android device.

Getting help

In case you need any help, or find any problems with the application, please report them on the project’s issue tracker. You can also send an email to the email address visible in the Android market, or contact me on Twitter.